Contact Us

We’re here if you have any questions about your existing account.

If you’d like to receive a call back for assistance, please provide your phone number and a time of day that would work best for us to call you back.

Are you an energy broker looking for a strong organization that can handle all back-office admin, tracking and customer service support that can help you focus on selling energy to your current existing relationships?

For career opportunities e-mail

Click here for a Quote.


Chief Executive Officer

Jose Soriano

Phone: 832-859-5258

Fax: (800) 413-4215

In the event of an emergency or power outage, please call your TDSP company from the list below:

Oncor (Dallas/Ft.Worth Service area) 1-888-313-4747

Center Point (Houston Service area) 1-800-332-7143

AEP (CPL-South Texas Service area) 1-866-223-8508

AEP (WTU-West Texas Service area) 1-866-223-8508

Texas New Mexico Power Service area 888-866-7456

Nueces Service area 1-800-632-9288